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Hello! Welcome to my site, and thank you for taking the time to explore the different facets of what make me, me. I am an aspiring web developer, secondary digital media arts teacher, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu practitioner (pictured is my blue belt graduation) and animator. I graduated in 2009 with a BFA in Media Arts & Animation from the Art Institute of Phoenix. I went on to study biology at the University of New Mexico with the intent of getting a Masters in Biology, however have taken some time to explore web development, where my current passion resides. I love code. So much so that over the past two years I have taken every spare bit of time I have to study and further my knowledge of different languages and frameworks, work with clients, and work on personal projects. I am a problem solver, and I believe this is what draws me to web development, science, and animation.  If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in contact with me. 

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